books (3) coding (13) cooking (2) cycling (1) leadership (2) productivity (2) tech (14) thinking (10)

 books (3)

Book summary: 'Daring greatly' by Brené Brown
'Getting things done' by David Allen
Book summary: 'How to win friends and influence people' from Dale Carnegie

 coding (13)

Web analytics vs product analytics
Why should you use Next.js?
Testing with Playwright
Git branching
Cookies essentials
Git essentials
How to create a React application from scratch
AI: How far can this go?
Handle sibling state with React useState hook
How to add SurveyJS React to Gatsby
How to build a Ruby-On-Rails and React app from scratch
The right path
VS Code Shortcuts

 cooking (2)

Cook like a boss
10 reasons to become a vegetarian

 cycling (1)

Road cycling

 leadership (2)

Book summary: 'Daring greatly' by Brené Brown
What it takes to be a great leader

 productivity (2)

Listen to the thunder
How to save one hour of time in your day

 tech (14)

Web analytics vs product analytics
Why should you use Next.js?
Testing with Playwright
Git branching
Listen to the thunder
Cookies essentials
Git essentials
How to create a React application from scratch
AI: How far can this go?
Handle sibling state with React useState hook
How to add SurveyJS React to Gatsby
How to build a Ruby-On-Rails and React app from scratch
The right path
VS Code Shortcuts

 thinking (10)

Book summary: 'Daring greatly' by Brené Brown
What it takes to be a great leader
'Getting things done' by David Allen
How to save one hour of time in your day
Is stupidity the new trend?
AI: How far can this go?
Book summary: 'How to win friends and influence people' from Dale Carnegie
Many small people
The greenhouse effect
10 reasons to become a vegetarian